SABU in Campus Dialogue

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  • SABU stages sit-in (news article)
    Series of seven pieces discussing from multiple perspectives the controversy surrounding the honor trial of a black student, Raynard Scott, in 1977, and subsequent protests and actions by students and administrators.
  • SABU demonstrates discontent; feelings aired in lengthy meetings (article)
    Grouping of three pieces published in the Ring-Tum Phi between October 23 and October 30, 1975. Discuss a conflict between SABU and the Student Activities Board about funding to hire a black band to perform during Black Awareness Week and the subsequent public demonstrations that resulted.
  • Minority Dean 'Terminated'
    In late 1984, Director of Minority Affairs John L. White was terminated. This series of articles document reporting of that incident and responses from SABU members, who were mentored by White.
  • Disappointment Shown (letter to the editor)
    Pair of articles that discuss white student response to SABU's first Black Culture Week and solutions to racial tension on W&L's integrated campus.
  • Concert in Review: Black Fire - 'A Moving Experience' (article)
    A photo, review, and two letters to the editor concerning the first Black Culture Week at W&L, particularly the "Black Fire" performance, published in the February 21, 1973 issue of Ring-tum Phi.
  • Carmichael predicts organized rebellion (article)
    Piece one of seven pieces covering the speech at Washington and Lee by Stockley Carmichael [Kwame Ture], sponsored by SABU. Carmichael's appearance prompted a student letter to the editor and subsequent strong response by John White, then Director of Minority Affairs at W&L and SABU advisor.
  • Ask Traveller (column)
    Grouping of three pieces published in the Ring-Tum Phi between October 24 to December 5, 1974 documenting reaction and counterreactions to a comment about African American students made in the paper's "Ask Traveller" column.