Student Newspaper Coverage (SABU)

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  • Black awareness and social life increase (article)
    Description of SABU's activities and hopes to increase the "degree of black awareness among black students" and within the white community as well. Discusses issues of black student recruitment.
  • Black Alumni Meet; Discuss Goals (article)
    Article on the Black Alumni Conference organized in 1980 as part of Black Emphasis Week at W&L. Black alumni, including SABU members like William Hill, met to discuss increasing black enrollment, financial aid, job placement, and filling vacant faculty positions.
  • Being black: isolation and self-doubt (article)
    This is the second of a series on black students at W&L: General commentary from black students on sense of not belonging at W&L, "black students have to prove continually that they belong at W&L"
  • Ask Traveller (From the Horse's Mouth) (column)
    Piece two of three pieces published in the Ring-Tum Phi between October 24 to December 5, 1974 documenting reaction and counterreactions to a comment about African American students made in the paper's "Ask Traveller" column.
  • Ask Traveller (column)
    Grouping of three pieces published in the Ring-Tum Phi between October 24 to December 5, 1974 documenting reaction and counterreactions to a comment about African American students made in the paper's "Ask Traveller" column.
  • Ask Traveller (column)
    Piece one of three pieces published in the Ring-Tum Phi between October 24 to December 5, 1974 documenting reaction and counterreactions to a comment about African American students made in the paper's "Ask Traveller" column.
  • Answers (editorial opinion of the Ring-tum Phi)
    Piece seven of seven pieces discussing from multiple perspectives the controversy surrounding the honor trial of a black student, Raynard Scott, in 1977, and subsequent protests and actions by students and administrators.
  • Annual Black Ball in Evans Saturday (article)
    Description of SABU-sponsored Black Ball in 1977. The theme of the formal event that year was "A Night at the Copa" and featured Anglo Saxon Brown, "a big contemporary soul band with both rock and gospel influences."
  • African Jazz Group to Appear (entertainment article)
    Announcement of the upcoming performance titled "The Oneness of JuJu" by an African jazz group from Richmond. The event was sponsored by SABU in cooperation with the Rockbridge Chapter of the Virginia Museum.
  • Actor to Speak Next Week (article)
    Annoucement of a public lecture by Ossie Davis, actor and playwright, as part of the Student Association for Black Unity's "Black Emphasis Week." His lecture included performances centering on the development of black American culture from slavery to the present.
  • [David Mullin has achieved the dubious distinction] (letter to the editor)
    Piece seven of seven pieces covering the speech at Washington and Lee by Stockley Carmichael [Kwame Ture], sponsored by SABU. Carmichael's appearance prompted a student letter to the editor and subsequent strong response by John White, then Director of Minority Affairs at W&L and SABU advisor.
  • [Dance part of SABU's Black Culture Week activities] (photograph)
    [Photo caption] - "W&L student Johnny White danced to the music of "Black Rock" last Saturday in Evans Dining Hall. The dance was part of SABU's Black Culture Week activities.
  • "Black Emphasis Month" Review and Outlook, Editorial Opinion of The Ring-Tum Phi
    Opinion piece on the reasons why W&L needs Black emphasis month