Student Newspaper Coverage (SABU)

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  • Ruby Dee: Monday Performance is 'Pleasurable' (article)
    Description of actress Ruby Dee's one-woman performance, "An Evening with Ruby Dee," performed during SABU's Black Emphasis Month in 1981.
  • Roots' and Rotation (letter to the editor)
    Piece five of seven pieces discussing from multiple perspectives the controversy surrounding the honor trial of a black student, Raynard Scott, in 1977, and subsequent protests and actions by students and administrators.
  • Right for the wrong reason (letter to the editor)
    Piece four of seven pieces discussing from multiple perspectives the controversy surrounding the honor trial of a black student, Raynard Scott, in 1977, and subsequent protests and actions by students and administrators.
  • Return to Communities, Davis Urges (article)
    A recap of Ossie Davis' speech during Black Emphasis Week in 1980. He advocated strongly for educated minority and black students to return to their communities to "pass down the cultural riches to younger generations."
  • Response to Carmichael letter (letter to the editor)
    Piece three of seven pieces covering the speech at Washington and Lee by Stockley Carmichael [Kwame Ture], sponsored by SABU. Carmichael's appearance prompted a student letter to the editor and subsequent strong response by John White, then Director of Minority Affairs at W&L and SABU advisor.
  • Pearl SABU Ball a grand success (article)
    Discusses the success of the 12th annual SABU Ball
  • Over-reacting (Letter to the Editor)
    Piece three of three pieces published in the Ring-Tum Phi between October 24 to December 5, 1974 documenting reaction and counterreactions to a comment about African American students made in the paper's "Ask Traveller" column.
  • Next Week is Black Emphasis Week (article)
    Announcement of the 9th annual "Black Emphasis Week" at W&L included lectures, concerts, performances, and Black Ball. Organized by SABU, the week is described intended to "bring to the community's attention some of the many accomplishment's, idiosyncracies and problems of blacks in America today."
  • New minority affairs dean looks to broaden horizons (article)
    Anece McCloud fills the role of director of minority affairs who will work with all students, with an emphasis on minority students
  • New center unifies minority students (article)
    Lee House, former upperclass dormitory converted into Minority Cultural Center
  • Name change aids student body unity (article)
    Announcement of name change of SABU to MSA
  • Mullins replies to charges (letter to the editor)
    Piece four of seven pieces covering the speech at Washington and Lee by Stockley Carmichael [Kwame Ture], sponsored by SABU. Carmichael's appearance prompted a student letter to the editor and subsequent strong response by John White, then Director of Minority Affairs at W&L and SABU advisor.
  • More on Mullin Letter (letter to the editor)
    Piece five of seven pieces covering the speech at Washington and Lee by Stockley Carmichael [Kwame Ture], sponsored by SABU. Carmichael's appearance prompted a student letter to the editor and subsequent strong response by John White, then Director of Minority Affairs at W&L and SABU advisor.
  • Minority Recruiting at W&L: A future of problems and uncertainty (article)
    The first in a series on black students at W&L: admissions, recruitment issues for minorities at W&L.
  • Minority Dean 'Terminated' (article)
    In late 1984, Director of Minority Affairs John L. White was terminated. This is piece one in a four piece series of articles document reporting of that incident and responses from SABU members, who were mentored by White.
  • Minority Dean 'Terminated'
    In late 1984, Director of Minority Affairs John L. White was terminated. This series of articles document reporting of that incident and responses from SABU members, who were mentored by White.
  • Minority Affairs office busy with recruiting activities (article)
    Feature story about John White, his role as coordinator of minority affairs and advisor for SABU. Article addresses misconceptions on campus about black organized activities being only for black students rather than open to all.
  • Minorities seen as extraneous to Rush (article)
    Black W&L students and Fraternity rush; two black frat brothers at the time; Alpha Phi Alpha (black fraternity, brief)
  • Making Mountains out of Molehills (editorial opinion)
    Piece two of three pieces published in the Ring-Tum Phi between October 23 and October 30, 1975. Discuss a conflict between SABU and the Student Activities Board about funding to hire a black band to perform during Black Awareness Week and the subsequent public demonstrations that resulted.
  • Low Ball turnout leads to SABU loss (article)
    Discussion of low attendance to 13th annual Black Ball after it was moved to Spring Term
  • Lexington Leaders, SABU form group (article)
    Black community members met with SABU members/ wanting to help in student feelings of isolation on campus, as reported previously
  • It's sick, but it's true (article)
    Social race relations problems between blacks and whites on W&L's campus
  • Honor case ended; grievances remain (article)
    Piece two of seven pieces discussing from multiple perspectives the controversy surrounding the honor trial of a black student, Raynard Scott, in 1977, and subsequent protests and actions by students and administrators.
  • Gray matter? (article)
    Opinion on racial tensions at W&L, EC meeting where SABU brought up adding an ad hoc member to EC or Student Control Committee; "tokenism"
  • Executive Incompetence (letter to the editor)
    Piece six of seven pieces discussing from multiple perspectives the controversy surrounding the honor trial of a black student, Raynard Scott, in 1977, and subsequent protests and actions by students and administrators.