Jewish Life in the Ring-tum Phi

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  • Zeta Beta Tau Top Scholars 1937-38 (article)
    An article the lists Zeta Beta Tau as the top fraternity in terms of scholarship for the 1937-38 school year. The other article lists the pledge classes of 1938 for all the fraternities including the Jewish ZBT and PEP.
  • Zeta Beta Tau Founding (article)
    An article discussing the founding of the Alpha Epsilon chapter of Zeta Beta Tau at Washington and Lee. The six members of the Gamma Gamma founded the chapter on campus and closed the social organization with the fraternity's founding on campus.
  • ZBT Who's Who 1961-62 (article)
    An article about the Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities at Washington and Lee. Steven Galed and Joe Goldstein were two of the eighteen at Washington and Lee are were Zeta Beta Tau members.
  • ZBT Valedictorian 1961 (article)
    An article about the class of 1961 valedictorian Brian Vitsky who was a member of the Jewish fraternity Zeta Beta Tau. In a different article Joe Goldstein is named editor of the Calyx who was also in Zeta Beta Tau.
  • ZBT Valedictorian 1941 (article)
    An article about the class of 1941 valedictorian Alvin T. Fleishman who was a member of the Jewish fraternity Zeta Beta Tau.
  • ZBT House Future (article)
    An article about what the old Zeta Beta Tau house could be used for within the university.
  • ZBT Closes (article)
    An article about the Alpha Epsilon chapter of Zeta Beta Tau closing at the end of the 1987-88 school year due to low membership.
  • ZBT and PEP Top Scholars 1940-41 (article)
    An article the lists Zeta Beta Tau and Phi Epsilon Pi as the top fraternities in terms of scholarship for the 1940-41 school year. The other article lists the pledge classes of 1941 for all the fraternities including the Jewish ZBT and PEP.
  • ZBT and PEP Dances (article)
    An article about dances that Zeta Beta Tau and Phi Epsilon Pi were hosting during the weekend.
  • Seth Martin Interview (article)
    An article written about Hillel President Seth Martin who discussed his role and the events at Hillel.
  • Schindler Talk (article)
    An article about hosting Zev Kedem, a Survivor of the Holocaust and one on Schindler's List.
  • Richmond Rabbi Visit (article)
    An article about a visit from Richmond Rabbi Sidney Lefkowitz to discuss interfaith relationship building.
  • Prejudice at W&L (article)
    An article about prejudice at Washington and Lee which features comments from professor of Judaism and Hillel advisor Dr. Richard Marks and Jewish student Francie Cohen.
  • Phi Epsilon Pi Top Scholars 1927-28 (article)
    An article the lists Phi Epsilon Pi as the top fraternity in terms of scholarship for the 1927-28 school year.
  • Phi Epsilon Pi Top Scholars 1924-25 (article)
    An article the lists Phi Epsilon Pi as the top fraternity in terms of scholarship for the 1924-25 school year. The other article mentions the new location for the Zeta Beta Tau house.
  • Phi Epsilon Pi Founding (article)
    An article about the founding of the Delta chapter of Phi Epsilon Pi at Washington and Lee. Five Jewish students of Washington and Lee founded the chapter on campus.
  • PEP and ZBT Top Scholars 1939-40 (article)
    An article the lists Phi Epsilon Pi and Zeta Beta Tau as the top fraternities in terms of scholarship for the 1939-40 school year. The other article lists the pledge classes of 1940 for all the fraternities including the Jewish ZBT and PEP.
  • Passover 1994 (article)
    A note about a Passover Seder being held in the University Center.
  • Newly Formed Hillel (article)
    A note about the recently formed Hillel on campus holding a meeting in December.
  • Lee Kahn Death (article)
    An article with an obituary for Drama instructor Lee Kahn who was the first full-time Jewish educator at Washington and Lee.
  • Jewish Refugee Survey (article)
    An article about a student survey that cites 68.8% of college youth believe Jewish refugees should not be allowed in the United States.
  • Jewish Law OpEd (article)
    An article written by a Jewish Law student about how accepting Washington and Lee is of Jewish students.
  • Jewish Historian Speaks (article)
    An article about Jewish Historian Dr. Jacob Radar Marcus visiting Washington and Lee to talk about the American Jew.
  • Jewish Fraternity Philanthropy (article)
    An article about the work Zeta Beta Tau and Phi Epsilon Pi did with philanthropy for a charity drive.
  • Jewish Basketball Team (article)
    An schedule of the Bible class basketball schedule which included a Jewish team.