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Notice (article)


Notice (article)
HAVING purchased the entire stock of merchandize of Messrs. Moore & McCue in the town of Lexington, together with an additional supply of Fall and Winter goods, now receiving, will complete a general assortment in the mercantile line, I would respectfully invite the public generally to call and examine my stock, as 1 am determined to sell on moderate terms for cash or to punctual customers.
Below are enumerated articles, consisting of a portion of my stock of Goods.
Blue, Black, Green, Invisible Green, In. G. Beaver Cloth.
Ditto. pilott, Cadet, &c.
Black, Blue & Fancy col. Cassimeres.
Assorted Satinetts, Kentucky Janes, Fancy Cashmere and silk velvet vestings.
Mous. De Laines, Figured pongee, French & English Merinos, Maroon & assorted cols. fine assortment of silks & Prints.
8-4 nett, Taglioni Belvidere and Brocha Shawis, scarffs, and Fancy Hd'kfs.
Mohair, Lace Mits and Gloves.
Black and White Silk, col. and White Berlin. Hoskin and Thibbet Gloves.
Fillet Veils new articles, Black and White Silk Hose and ½ Hose; Gents silk Shirts, fine article, English twilled and pongee silk pocket Hdk'fs. Linen Cambrick Do.
Fillet Blond Lace &c., variety of Ringlet Curls, German silver pocket & fine Combs.
Gents fine Water Proof Boots, Ditto Calf fine article.
Boy's Ditto over Shoes, pumps &c.
Ladies' Paris plaids, Seal Kip and Call choes and Shippers, furred and Water Proof over Shoes &c.
Men's Cloth and Fur Caps, Boy's Ditto.
Hard Ware, Queensware and a full supply of Groceries.
Sept, 12, 1840-6-tf
The Lexington Gazette