Theme, Decorations, and Attire

The 1984 Fancy Dress happened on the weekend of March 22nd and had a “Lost Cities of Gold” theme. Specified in the Ring-tum Phi was that black tie attire was required, and the dress code would be strictly enforced, which had previously not been included. Lester Lanin and his Orchestra performed for the students, and students once again enjoyed jazz music at the vent. The decorations were noted to be some of the most expensive in history, with the goal of the event to take students and alumni back to the “wild and mystical South American civilizations of the fifteenth century" ("A Walk Through the Cities of Gold," Ring-Tum Phi 1984). The venue was decorated to resemble some of the prominent locations in South America, such as the Gulf of Campeche. However, images of the event focused on the students, so it is unclear what the final venue was decorated like.

Student Involvement

Like the past four years, the male-only SAB was tasked with planning this year's event. 

Student Reaction

There were no pieces in the Ring-tum Phi about student opinion on the event. However, there was some drama surrounding this year’s event. A student made a bet with a member of the SAB so that he could find out the theme before it was announced. As current students and alumni would know, the planning committee keeps the theme of Fancy Dress a secret until they reveal it a few weeks before the event. This reduces the possibility that other people will print Fancy Dress merch with the theme on it. Merchandise sales allows SAB to keep ticket prices so low. In a rather clever way, the student called the cup company that Fancy Dress used to make merchandise and discovered the theme. There were not noted reprocussions. 

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